Angela Twins Family Day

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Are you ready to feel what it is like to be a mom of twins? Then start this thrilling game where you will play for Angela who has twins! Life can be a real struggle when you have small kids, and you will soon see everything with your own eyes. It is a big stress for Angela who needs to combine home routine and children care in the best possible way. Are you ready to help her?

Then let’s get started! The first thing to do is to clean the house. Sort out the clothes, start laundry, get rid of diapers – you just need a mouse to get everything done, so you will not get too tired. Put all toys to their places for the room not to look so messy. Do not forget to remove dust and clean windows. Now, when everything is shining, it is time to devote time to babies. You need to feed them, change their diapers and play with them. Everything looks pretty simple, doesn’t it? So check if you can cope with all this routine with ease.

Organize a perfect family day!

The father of the twins is also here. You will need to find some work for him too. This young parent is more than embarrassed as he has no idea how to make things right. No wonder, he has absolutely no experience! But with your help, things will start moving in the right direction. So join this thrilling entertainment to help this lovely family spend a perfect day together. Of course, you will have to work a little. But all your efforts will be soon generously rewarded by happy faces of your personages. Do not waste any more time – start playing!

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