Pregnat Kitty Room Decor

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1
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The plot of the game is about a cat and a cat, which will soon have a baby. But the room for him is completely unprepared. So the player needs to help them make a beautiful nursery for the baby. The player can choose any color of the wallpapers, crib, and other furniture. There are no rules in the game as such, the player can choose any decor they deem appropriate. To interact with the item, the player has to click on it with the mouse or with their finger on the touch screen.

Test your designer talent!

It may seem that all interior works are very easy. But it is not always an easy task – you just have not tried it before! Actually, you need to think well where to position this or that item to make it fully functional. Do you feel you have enough skills to arrange everything in the best way? Then test this game. You will find yourself in a completely empty room and you need to equip it to be convenient for both mom and baby! Make sure you do not forget any essentials! Besides, you will have to play an interesting mini-game. The task is very simple – you will need to find a list of different objects. But just look at the screen – you will see a room in a really messy state. All toys are mixed up with furniture and other things, and you will need to be more than attentive to identify the necessary object in this chaotic pile! This game will be especially interesting for small players as it will allow them to demonstrate their creativity and just have fun!

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